The track can be divided into 3 rings inserted into a main itinerary that connects the Musone river mouth (Numana) at Borgo S. Lorenzo in the Municipality of Sirolo. The first ring of approx. 7,4Km runs from the Musone river mouth along the river and uphill to the top of the first hilly area exposing the entire alluvial lowland to Loreto.
The second ring of approx. 3,5Km stars from the top-off area along the provincial road (S.S Svarchil) along the entire perimeter of the charming Valcastagno valley. The third ring runs from the small Coppo Church and goes up the Montefreddo hill along the Rosso Conero vineyards and the various residential areas of Numana.
Lastly from the Coppo stop-of area we can begin our ascent to Monte Colombo reaching after 5 Km the characteristic Bo5rgo S. Lorenzo. N.B.: the track follows tarred roads and not the countryside inside the Conero Nature Park therefore it is advisable to be especially careful of traffic.